Alexandru Bleau

More happy than crazy, busy with product management, people and coffee

The exciting road ahead towards autonomous robots and vehicles

I don’t know about you, but I’m quite excited after all the announcements from CES 2016, particularly those related to making cars, robots and other things autonomous.

NVIDIA’s super computer and all the other self-driving/autonomous initiatives are just the beginning. It is very likely that in 5 to 10 years there will be several open source autonomous solutions that will not be limited to cars.

This means brainpower for any type of vehicle or robot that we want to make autonomous accessible to anyone.

  • Do you need a robot that signs for your packages?
  • Did you buy a car and want to send it home or to be registered?
  • Need a robot to do the washing and cleaning? Or cooking?
  • Need some robots to fly ahead and start building on a new planet that we want to colonise?

One of the next revolutions will be the robot/machine revolution but I don’t believe that it will leave us without jobs. Just consider that most of the jobs today did not exist 2-3 decades ago. We will just have new titles and new jobs.



The platform lock-in myth

There has been a lot of talk regarding Twitter’s decision to go beyond the 140 character limit… by adding another 9860.

It doesn’t mean that you have to scroll through 10k character tweets as everything past the first 140 characters will be hidden. The other important thing to mention is that according to some, this is an attempt to lock-in users. More will stay on Twitter to read content instead of going to the linked website.

I would reword and say that it is an increasing myth. We have had and still have several companies that achieve a certain level of lock-in. But it is not a hard lock, more like a convenience lock.

Consider for example Apple’s app ecosystem. Buying a new phone is not a problem but losing hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of apps si not something a user will easily be determined to do.

Even in Apple’s case, they could only afford to impose or institute a platform lock in because of their initial “blue ocean” when the first iPhone came out.

The users’ expectations are changing to the point where they expect and demand and consider it as a given that they can port their data and settings when switching services and when it becomes a basic expectation of every service, that is when we will go from myth to impossible.



How would Quora monetize

A few ideas on how Quora could elegantly monetize its service

Quora at the moment is “very free” for its users. That is good and worrying at the same time.  I know they have raised funding so that they can remain that way, but sooner or later they do have to monetize in order to keep the service running.

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Connecting our mind to the internet in the future

Here’s an interesting quote:

To continue on his idea, in this age and probably the next to come, everyone needs and wants a phone. We have come to the point where not having one is a serious drawback to basically anything you want to do.

But here’s the thing: the internet, all the information, communication with others. Those are the things that are indispensable to us. Not the phone. The phone is just the input and output device.

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A sort of “Hello World!”

moWOW studios logoHi, I am Bleau (Alex Bleau, but people just like using my surname as a nickname) and I am half of moWOW, an independent mobile game studio. The other half is Tudor.

While he wears the dev, server and art hat, I wear the game design, marketing, community and monetization ones. You can find me on Twitter and read more about my experience on Linkedin.

Our first game and also our “learning game” is Clumsy and the Stars. We are currently working our next game, where casual meets a Quantum Leap storyline. If you want to find out more, just follow me or Tudor on twitter.

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