Alexandru Bleau

More happy than crazy, busy with product management, people and coffee

Tag: product management

Any youtube or vimeo channels for product managers?

I recently answered this question on Quora with 4 channels that I regularly follow.
Are there other channels with great content that focus on product management?
If not, are there channels with great content that focus on skills related to product management? (e.g. leadership, communication, decision making, business, etc.)

Here are my recommendations. Looking forward to yours in the comments:

Read Bleau Alexandru's answer to Is there a good YouTube channel for product managers? on Quora

Principles and heuristics a product manager should consider

As a product manager, you will constantly be thrown into the most interesting and challenging situations possible working with your team and stakeholders. It’s what makes the job fun and interesting, to begin with.

But this rollercoaster very often comes with a lot of pressure and giving in when you shouldn’t do so can make or break your product.

Just like muscle reflexes, I believe we also have mental reflexes. Training them to react properly means consistently doing my job better.

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